Laker Turner

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I first put this up on while this site was in the works. So now it's here!

  • 📨 Mail Client: Fastmail Web and iOS app
  • 📮 Mail Server: Fastmail
  • 📝 Notes: Obsidian
  • ✅ To-Do:
  • 📷 iPhone Photo Shooting:
  • 🟦 Photo Management:
  • 📆 Calendar: (trying notion calendar and amie)
  • 📁 Cloud File Storage: iCloud
  • 📖 RSS: Reeder
  • 🙍🏻‍♂️ Contacts:
  • 🌐 Browser: Arc on Mac, Safari on iOS, Firefox Developer Edition
  • 💬 Chat: Discord, iMessage
  • 🔖 Bookmarks: Arc Mobile Companion, Obsidian
  • 📑 Read It Later: Omnivore
  • 📜 Word Processing: Obsidian
  • 📈 Spreadsheets: Excel
  • 📊 Presentations: Obsidian
  • 🛒 Shopping Lists: Pen and paper, Reminders
  • 🍴 Meal Planning: Pen and paper
  • 💰 Budgeting and Personal Finance: Pen and paper
  • 📰 News: Apple News
  • 🎵 Music: Apple Music, Spotify, musikcube with my mp3
  • 🎤 Podcasts: Overcast
  • 🔐 Password Management: 1Password

I recommend checking out all the other app defaults posts, over on Robb Knight's list!

(also just go read Robb's stuff, he's cool and the reason i redesigned this site)

Want to comment on this post? Email me!

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