Laker Turner

Hi! I'm Laker Turner (she/her).
I'm an 18 year old student from the UK, writer, amateur programmer and leather jacket enthusiast.

A black baseball cap with Keith Haring's 'Untitled, 1982' embroidered on it.

I'm learning a mix of Rust and Java/Typescript right now, but I'm probably going to stick with Rust.
On the web side, I like Eleventy (it's what builds this site!).

When I'm not knee-deep in my terminal, I like making music, taking photographs
and reading Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy for the 5th time.

Feel free to walk around and see what's going on, here are some blog posts!

If you want to keep in touch with me outside of this site, I'm on the fediverse as or email me at!